We frequently share stories and fresh perspective on design thinking for talent in interviews and feature articles.


How 5 Companies Use Design Thinking to Shape Culture (HuffPost) 

“"Great article from Nicole Dessain on how design thinking can inform both culture and Human Resources." (Tracy Layney, CHRO Shutterfly)

How Design Thinking Might Humanize Talent Acquisition (ERE)

What if HR Became a Force for Good? (Recruiting Daily)

Why companies should conduct ‘stay interviews’, not ‘exit interviews’ (Chicago Tribune)

Why the Hiring Manager Experience is More Important than the Candidate Experience (ERE)

Handbook of Human Resources Management. Chapter Marketing and Recruiting (Springer Gabler)

Sourcing Metrics Standard (Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals - ATAP)

“Getting talent acquisition on the same page is a huge endeavor. We start that by speaking the same data and definitions. This is the kind of value and work the community needs.” (Tim Sackett, Talent Acquisition Thought Leader)

How to Become a HR Disruptor in 5 Steps (HR Gazette)

How Arity Puts People in the Driver Seat of Their Culture First Strategy (HuffPost)

How to Get Started With Talent Analytics in 5 Steps (Chicago SHRM)

Why Sodexo Doesn’t Say Goodbye to Exiting Employees (HuffPost)

Why We Need More Women (Thought) Leaders in HR (HR Gazette)

Why Career Fairs Need a Makeover (ERE)